Wu wei

Column:The team serving foreign investors and merchant Time:2020-12-07

Lawyer Wu wei, Partner,graduated from the Law School of Jilin University and obtained the qualification of lawyer the next year. She began to work as lawyer in 1995 after having worked as a teacher for four years in Jilin University . In 2003, she studied international commerce law in the University of Sheffield in Britain and in 2008, she has been chosen as one of 20 lawyers who have been sent to California State University to attend anti-dumping training scheme for three months. In 2009 , lawyer Wu Wei has been chosen as one of 15 Chinese lawyers to attend The Lord Chancellor’s Training Scheme , and Studied International law in SOAS London University, and worked as an intern in Bird & Bird LLP, and Stone Chamber for six months.

Since practicing as lawyers, she has been involved as an lawyer in lots of litigation and arbitration cases, accumulating abundant experiences. Now Lawyer Wu Wei is engaged as long term legal adviser by many big corporations. She is capable of providing legal service in English and good at civil and commerce litigation, arbitration and foreign capital investment affairs.

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